How has AXA Mexico Foundation contributed to diminish the neonatal rate mortality with its program Hacer para Nacer?

Apoyos programa Hacer para Nacer en 2020
To this date, Hacer para Nacer has modified the physical conditions of three neonatal intensive care units of IMSS Bienestar. This has allowed that, in vulnerable areas in Chiapas, babies in critical health conditions have radiant heat cribs and incubators that help them grow, vital signs monitors that reduce the patient´s unsafety and strengthen timely health interventions, and specific infrastructure for the neonate in case of respiratory complications or asphyxia.
In terms of physical conditions, these three hospitals now count with cutting edge technology donated by AXA, which reduces the transportation to third level hospitals, increases the patient´s chances of surviving and gives a warmer and safer environment.
In terms of human capabilities, the medical staff has incremented theirs in the attention of critical conditions directly related with the main causes of mortality in these hospitals. Surgical and general physicians, infirmary personnel and midwifes actively participate in the program.
Hacer para Nacer represents an investment of over 12 million pesos in donated medical equipment, over 200 physicians and trained nurses, and a better medical attention for more than 600 babies that remain in the intensive care unit of one of the three intervened hospitals.


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